- A BitTorrent client written from scratch in Elixir.
- Uses Phoenix as the web server, and LiveView to update the client side.
- Supports
- Downloading single and multi-file torrents
- Downloading multiple torrents together
- HTTP and UDP trackers
- Writing straight to disk
- Source
- Blog
- An interactive snake game, written in Elixir and Rust where the visual state is streamed as a GIF.
- The GIF implementation is written in Elixir and the game logic is in Rust.
- Rust and elixir interface through Rustler as the bridge to write NIFs (Native Implemented Functions).
- Supports broadcasting the game to multiple clients, but only one client can play the game at a time.
- Source
- Live Demo
- A digital clock showing the local time based on IP address in 24-hour format.
- The GIF implementation and LZW compression algorithm is written in Elixir.
- Uses Cowboy directly as the web server.
- Source
- Live Demo
- An implementation of Ray Tracing In One Weekend and Ray Tracing The Next Week in Rust.
- Uses Rayon to work in parallel on all available cores.
- Source
- All tasks from nand2tetris, including the operating system routines.
- Implements the assembler, virtual machine and compiler using Rust.
- The operating system and a snake game is written in the Jack language.
- Source
- A file sharing service that allows downloads to begin before upload completes.
- Supports resuming upload in the even of a network disruption.
- Written in Elixir, Phoenix and ReasonML
- Source
- A service where you can send a file as an email and have it automatically uploaded to your Dropbox.
- Uses Mailgun API and Dropbox OAuth2 using Uberauth, written from scratch.
- Implemented using Elixir and Phoenix.
- Source